Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
I would have to say I love four's music. I still love hearing the Redwings theme out of nostalgia. Zeromus has my favorite boss fight music. It sounded so hurried it made the fight seem even more desperate. I still have the Four Fiends theme stuck in my head. It's so over the top and dramatic it's hard not to like it.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
Final Fantasy 7 gave almost all the characters a few minutes in the spotlight. Barret becomes less of a generic angry black guy when you find out how he suffered. Cid is only a grumpy old man becuse of a simple mistake. Yuffie actually becomes a little likable once you find out about Wutai. Overall the characters all felt very fleshed out.
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
Final Fantasy 5 had THE MIGHTY GILGAMESH! Frankly it was suprising to see that much depth ina villian much less a joke villian. Heck, Gilgamesh had more personality than a couple of the main party members. I also loved that he just pops up here and there in differents universes. I mean he got to one shot Siefer. I wanted to do that through the whole game. I always wanted to see his travels through each of the universes. I bet he would get along with Ultros.
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
5 agian. I really loved the job system in 1 and 3 but 5 just streamlined it. Suddenly every job had at least some purpose. I loved how varied each job was. It was kind of the precursor to the Tactics series far more complex application. I will give you I loved the fact that I could battle as Summons in 10. That was pretty nifty. Yojimbo is a poor man's Odin though.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
I thought Mateus from 2 was pretty evil. He pretty much played around with the party like mice. He was indiectly or directly responsible of the deaths of most of your party members. He actually planned for you to kill him so he could become the king of hell itself. His death was just a power up really. He was so evil even his good half was sinister as could be.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
I loved the storyline for 8. The only time I thought it hit a snag was when all the time travel stuff came up. Before then I was happy. I loved going toe to toe with the Galbanian Army. I actaully had fun storming a city as a military unit. I liked the Laguna flashbacks. I like fighting the Sorceress. I also felt that while Rinoa could be annoying that the love story felt genuine.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
I loved 9's ending. After a few bittersweet finales like 6 and 7's I was glad to have a happy ending. Zidane showing up was really a welcome suprise. I really love that the beginning and ending are basically bookends. I wanted to know what happened to Kuja though. I felt bad for him.
Which FF had your favorite miniboss?
I loved dealing with Biggs and Wedge in 8. They were really out of thier elelment when they were fighting the party. I loved how them being demoted was a reoccuring joke. They were however responsible for sicking that giant robo spider on me though. Not cool.
Which FF had your favorite minigame?
Final Fantasy 7 and the motorcycle. I will always remember this mingame. It was so addictive. I spent so much money in the Golden Saucer arcade on that game.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music? FFX-2, i really liked 1000 words. although it was kind of a loud song it still felt sad to hear it from time to time. and mainly because yuna sang it for tidus so it has a very good value to it. my second choice would have been aerith's theme.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? FFVII. like mostly zack, cloud, vincent and tifa. i do admire their skills. and if zack and aerith didnt die, it shows one big happy family.
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?FFXIII. lightning. theres hasnt been any female characters that have shown power in both interior and exterior. there could be another person like tifa, but tifa is not strong in my opinion, shes a good fighter, but not like lightning. i do admire lightning's ability to overcome obstacles and has a spirit of not giving up and keep on going.
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?FFVII. Final Fantasy VII's skill system is built around the use of materia (which any character can use); magical orbs that are placed in special slots on weapons and armor, allowing players to customize their characters' access to magic spells, summons, and special abilities. its kind of neat i think.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?i like sephiroth as my villain but i do hate sephiroth personally. aside from hating him, i do admire his intelligence and his use of skills. its like he went through so much battles and fights with not even a pinch or a drop of blood from his body. hes a good villain. but bad never beats the good. at last he still dies and thats the one thing i like about sephiroth.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?i like FFX. i feel like it has a really realistic storyline to it. and because this really sad and disappointing ending, it makes you compare it to your own life. i cant really compare my life to other FF storyline because they all kind of have a good ending and life never have good endings well, good but impossible for it to get that good...except this one.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?FFX-2. its kind of like after going through all those energy and tears, we finally deserved to destined to a final good ending. and it makes you sigh a little after playing this game because you feel good for yuna and other characters. its this ending that makes this sequel possible.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
1. Final Fantasy VIII. This game had such a beautiful and compact soundtrack. It had such great songs such as "Eyes On Me" and "Liberi Fatali". All of the songs perfectly fit the mood of the scene which they are played in, and never got old for me. Final Fantasy XII was a close second for me, though.
2. Hard decision between Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IX. Both had a cast of characters which were lovable and compelling. I'd play both games over and over again, if not just for the amazing plots but the lovely characters in them which gave the whole thing itself flesh.
3. Final Fantasy XII. This game did have a lot of characters which I liked, but has my most favorite of all: Basch. He always seemed to be one of the most dynamic characters in the game's story. A war hero who's at the top of his game, and then suddenly everything in his life gets taken away by an evil twin brother. He was a kick ass guy with an epic story behind his character.
4. Final Fantasy X. This battle system made feel more involved with the battle itself. I loved how they got rid of ATB and used the turn-based system in its place instead. And I definitely liked how if one character was close to getting the kiss of death, all you had to do was switch then out for a more battle-ready character.
5. Final Fantasy VI. My favorite villain was Kefka. I hated yet loved him at the same time. His laugh always cracked me up for unknown reasons. And I liked how he would do anything to achieve his goals, even if that meant burning entire towns and stepping on newborn babies.
6. Final Fantasy Tactics. This game totally takes the cake for my favorite plot, considering how it both has warfare and political corruption packed into it. The action of it comes straight at you, and the drama goes on and on, yet its not that hard to remember what has happened so far when playing the game. And all of the characters somehow relate to or are linked with the plot, and none of them are just there for a fun little ride.
7. Final Fantasy IX. This ending was both my most favorite and most shocking. Here I was, rather sad that Zidane had been killed off, and then I watched the ending and was majorly surprised when Zidane popped his face onto the screen, and Dagger jumping onto him. Brilliant scene with brilliant music, I was almost on the verge of tears. And not to mention you get to see scenes of what happened to the other main characters in the story, brilliant.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
Final Fantasy IX. It had a very nice flow to it and went amazingly well with the scenes and characters. Also, considering this was my first Final Fantasy game I think that plays a huge part into the soundtrack being my favorite. Oh, memories.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
Final Fantasy IX... again. They were diverse and all had their own individual personalities. Some were rather serious or just silly, but even though they had these personalities doesn't mean they had to stay serious or silly the entire time. It's good to have some comic relief here and there but not through the whole game!
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
Arrggh at risk of sounding repetitive, this too goes to Final Fantasy IX. Vivi is definitely my favorite. He was afraid and weak at first but throughout the game he begins to realize his strength and face his fears head on (even after learning about his origins), which i find admirable.
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
Final Fantasy X. I loved the sphere grid despite the negativity toward it and the aeons were something to always look forward to obtaining. I honestly like the wait/turns as well, sometimes I need to think, haha.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth was a whole different type of evil. I mean even to this day if I hear the Sephiroth music I will flip out and think I'm going to die. He's a worthy enemy and as far as I can see.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
Final Fantasy VI for sure. It's tragic, amazing and entirely unique. I would say more reason to this but I'm unsure if I can say spoilers in this post.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
Final Fantasy X excluding X-2. The end of X was so heart wrenching to me and dramatic. The secret about Tidus closer to the end was also a whole other thing I had to deal with, but the fact the end made me feel emotions is why I chose it as my favorite.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
I enjoy each and every FF but FFXI holds a special place in my heart due to the first time I ever head the battle music. It was so enthralling that I remember dancing to it when I was younger. It was one of the few things that kept encouraging me to enter combat.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
Again FFXI takes this one. FFXI was my first FF for a long period of time when I was young and I grew up to love the characters. Zidane forever stays in my heart as my favorite FF hero.
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
As stated above Zidane (from FFXI) was my favorite Hero but Vivi (from FFXI) and Cecil (from FFIV) are also very close.
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
FFIV has the most enjoyable combat of all FF in my opinion. It had the classic feeling of the SNES/NES era but at the same time gave me the feeling that each character was unique in combat.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
I never grew attach to any of the FF Villains as I have never actually finish most of the FF. I also have this weird bias feeling to hate villains naturally and give little care to them. On a special note my least favorite villain is Sephiroth.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
FFIV had the best storyline in my case. Again the classic feeling yet unique characters kept me into it until the end. Along with the several twist across the story.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
While I never truly finish most of the FF games but I have to say that FFX takes the cake here due to what happens to our dear protagonist. It really hits home after you play the game so long and get a heart-wrenching ending.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
It just has to be FFIX. Sure, it did not have the Prelude at the title screen (but it did have a remix of it on Crystal World), but the music at the title screen just hit me right on the heart. I was only 12 when I heard it, but it stayed with me for a long time. From then on, it was pure bliss.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
In response to the above poster, Zidane is from FFIX, not XI. But yeah, the FFIX cast just knew how to make you laugh, sad, and even upset. I was laughing whenever Steiner's Theme played, I was sad about the Cargo Ship incident, and I was a little upset when Kuja used the Black Mages for his selfish gains. Plus, Garnet is beautiful. :)
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
It's hard picking a favorite. But Garnet from FFIX keeps coming to mind. She was a strong character, and was fearless enough to go to Alexandria to question her mother, taking only Steiner and (eventually) Marcus. She was modest too, as Spoiler:
she blamed herself for Alexandria's destruction.
She also didn't need to reveal her belly, arms or legs to look good. And I think that's something. :D
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
FFIX has gotten a lot of praise from me, but I'll give this one to -- cue the suspense -- FFII. Yes, the battle system was criticized heavily (ya bunch of whiners >.>), but I think it was a good way to stay underleveled, which was a great challenge to take if you were ever up for it. X could also help you stay underleveled, but after seeing so many 99999, I disliked it. So the award goes for FFII on this subject, with FFV following closely behind.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
Again, the award goes to FFII, and I'd have to go with the Emperor. Once he became the lord master of Hell, he could call creatures from the bowels of said place. Plus, he was calm the whole time.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
FFX. Tidus ends up in a world he doesn't know. Just imagine what he felt when he was almost gobbled up by Geogaesno. When was taken away by the Al Bhed. And when he finally met someone who shared his interests (Wakka). Even when he and his friends are labeled as heathens and traitors, he comes up with a genius plan to go inside Sin and defeat it once and for all. The ending may have been sad but hey, we have FFX-2 as a direct sequel!
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
FFIX. It was just the perfect ending. There is peace at the end of the game, and I don't think any evil villains survived so there really isn't anything that threatens the world anymore. Which explains why this game hasn't had a sequel, or even a remake.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
I think it would be Between FF8 and FFX. But if I really had to look in my MP4 player, I have more FF8 so... FF8 for me
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
FF8 or 9. I will have to go for 8 cause they made me laugh lol
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
FF8. Squall cause me had the same personality as me
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
FFX or 12.. I LOVED FFX battle system, being able to get ready for an enemies attack is awesome
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
I would say FF5 or 8. Both were galaxy threateners. Both were smart. Both came within a % of achieving their goals
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
FF8. Loved it... <3
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
FFX. Pissed me off. Why'd it have to end?
Nice question too :woot:
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Due to a lack of computer I'm posting on my BlackBerry Pearl.
Music: Final Fantasy IX, I feel that all the themes and events have very well prepared music to accompany it.
Cast: Final Fantasy X has my favorite cast, as its easy to identify how characters are and it helps that voice acting is included. Very well rounded group and company.
Fav Character: I actually love Squall's character. He is firmly the most developed character in the whole series of games, and despite his downer attitude, FF8 brings him out of his shell and makes him into a worthy leader.
Battle System: I prefer FFX's system. FFX works on a speed basis, which greatly advantages the player and also allows for all characters to be utilized in rotation. There's also the customization of overdrives, so non-offensive and offensive characters can boost techniques accordingly.
Villain: Seymour from FFX. He's just so EVIL. He needs an evil goatee. He should've had top billing, and even in my alternative script is the final opponent. He willingly kills his father, potentially would kill Yuna and company, and wants to become the ultimate being of eternal death. So he pretty much is Kefka 2.0, Kefka being my #2 villain.
Story: FFIV and FFIX. I can't pick one. FFIV has a fairly basic plot that is woven around the cast, and truely sets the example for later series. FFIX more or less follows that example, also bringing elements from all previous series, and a good array of humor and serious tones to make the story last.
Ending: FFVI. It doesn't tell you "How the world changes" but rather details the immediate results of defeating Kefka and destroying the statues. Not to say I didn't enjoy the other endings, but this one truely concluded its story and left what happens afterwards to everyones interpretations.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Since my last post in this thread, I got to play Final Fantasy titles I haven't played before, thus my opinion has slightly changed, I feel the need to respond once more.
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
Out of all questions this is by far the easiest one to answer, while every Final Fantasy has superb music IX soundtrack appeals to me the most. Pieces such as "Rose of May", "The Place I'll Return to Someday", "Hunter's Chance", "Kuja's Theme", "Ambush Attack", and many more give it a slight advantage over other soundtracks in franchise. Close second would be Crisis Core, for a spin-off it has an amazing soundtrack, "The Burdened", "The Price of Freedom", "An Ancient Hymn Sung by the Water", just to name few music pieces I'm fond of.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
Final Fantasy XII, if we look at every character that appears through the game. If main party only counts, well, that goes either to Final Fantasy VI or IX. Final Fantasy XII main party was excellent as a group, individually they weren't fleshed out enough. On the other hand Final Fantasy XII had a huge variety of interesting NPC-s, which wasn't the case with VI and IX.
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
My favorite character is actually a villain, but since there's already a question regarding that matter I'll have to chose another one. My usual answer would be Zidane, though I've grown fond of Zack Fair lately. Both have similar personas, attributes I like in protagonist, character in general. Optimistic, confident, brave, friendly...
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
Final Fantasy XII, no competition there. Traditional ATB system is still featured, but complete control over the characters, without the intro and ending scene battles are faster and gave it more dynamic feel.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
The main antagonist of Final Fantasy IX, Kuja Tribal. He's unlike any other villain in franchise, narcissist, but one with manners, class, he showed that even a villain can be a perfect gentleman. Intelligence is what I like most about him though, he showed a cunning mind in quite a few occasions, how much can be accomplished with little bit of planing. Not really a man that relies on brute strength, but he showed his fair share of power. One of the rare villains who accomplished his goals, and had a change of heart even though it may be for a short notice.
There's one particular villain that had the same impact on me as Kuja, if not more. Not many seem to realize how brilliant Vayne was, he's far from your standard/cliched Final Fantasy villain, though at moments it may not seem that way. Vayne can be considered a protagonist, though it really depends how you look at it. He set to save people of Ivalice from clutches of immortal Ocurians and succeeded in doing so, his methods may be cruel, but it was the only solution, a necessary crime some might say. Not many would be capable of such feats, but he was ready to sacrifice his own family, to carry all those casualties on his conscience, to go through hell and all for people of Ivalice.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
Few games in franchise have a great story through entire game, those games would be Final Fantasy II, VI, IX, X and XII. Since I have to chose one I'll go with Final Fantasy XII. While it's considered to be the weakest point of Final Fantasy XII by many fans of franchise, I personally think it's brilliant, mainly because it's not cliched as those in Square's earlier titles. History of Ivalice, featured in few games adds more depth to it, and political theme makes it even more intriguing.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
Tough one, I guess Final Fantasy IX for it's cheerful ending, though ending in VIII and XII wasn't bad either.
*Final Fantasy IX is my favorite game as far as Final Fantasy Franchise goes, for various reasons but mostly sentimental, Final Fantasy XII on the other hand is without a doubt the best game in franchise, but there's clear difference between favorite and best.*
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
"Which FF had your Favorite Music?"
Oh, man... this is so hard to choose. IV. I'm most attached to IV's music. Very few of the battle songs have managed to get my blood pumping like IV's, Golbez has one of the best character themes in the series, Troia has one of the best town themes... there are very few songs I dislike and a ton of songs that I love in IV's soundtrack.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
Um, probably VII. I really liked most of VII's main cast, and even those I didn't care much for had their moments with very few exceptions. For example, I don't care much for Tifa either way but I found her to be well-developed and very human. Even some of the non-enemy NPCs were pretty well-done/memorable to me.
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
IV, Kain. I came to appreciate Kain's character more over time, though I've always liked him a lot. I liked his dynamic with Cecil, and the fact that if his head hadn't been messed with, he would have stayed silent about his feelings for Rosa and his resentment because he cared about Rosa and Cecil. He was actually quite jovial when the situation wasn't completely awful, and he has some pretty epic lines. It really struck me just how much I liked him when I played the DS version and read his thought bubbles. His final struggle against Zemus was an awesome, before untold battle of wills. And he was the first video game character I played who had neither a happy ending nor a bright future ahead of him at the end of the game. In the end, Kain lost the two things he had clearly been trying so hard to keep because he could not live with himself; he lost his relationships with Cecil and Rosa.
On a side note, Laguna is my second favorite. :3
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
Ooh... V or IX. And I really can't pick between them. V was great and felt ahead of its time. It had an enormous number of abilities to choose from and really felt free, but it sacrificed all character distinctiveness. IX, on the other hand, felt like a different, more advance version of IV in some respects; the characters had very clearly defined classes. But in IX you learned class-specific abilities using equipment and a point system. This gave the characters more options while retaining the distinctive classes. But IX seemed a bit slow.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
Kefka is my favorite villain, I think, though I'm fond of Emperor Mateus, Sephiroth, and Kuja as well. Kefka has some pretty epic lines, one of the best final boss battle songs of any game ever, and is surprisingly complex. I can even empathize with him on certain levels- which is a little disturbing, actually. XD He is an unexpectedly tragic character. It would have been nice to know more about him.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
IV. I'm a complete sucker for the concept of redemption and that's one of IV's biggest themes. It's a relatively simple but moving story about caring, flawed people, revenge, hate, forgiveness, redemption, and love.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
Gotta be X. I think I cried when I saw it the first time. Everything from Tidus 'holding' Yuna to the final line, "Never forget them..." was just... perfectly executed. Unforgettable ending. I can't think of a single thing that would have improved the ending. It was perfect.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your favorite music?
Both FF7 and FF8 tie for my favorite music.
Which FF had your favorite characters overall?
FF8, all the characters were just awesome and easy to like
Which FF had your favorite character, and who is it?
FF8, Squall, he's the coolest person ever
Which FF had your favorite battle system?
FF7 simple not hard to figure out
Which FF had your favorite villian, and who is it?
FF7, Sephiroth. He has an awesome theme.. and other than Kefka the only boss who isn't random
Which FF had your favorite storyline?
FF8, though FF7's is so great.. FF8 was just so interesting.. and I love the love theme in it.
Which FF had your favorite ending?
FF8 because, it ties up all loose ends.. Squall and Rinoa are together, Seifer is a good guy again, and the music.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Final Fantasy VII and IX are equal as my favourite music, i agree with Aerith's music being mystifying, but Melodies of Life from IX just makes me tingle inside xP
Final Fantasy XII had my favourite characters, i would normally pick VII because the characters are more "traditional Final Fantasy" but XII has more modern characters.
Final Fantasy X had my favourite character, Tidus. He reminds me of myself a lot, we both started off quite immature, then became more wise to the ways of the world while still maintaining some humour.
Final Fantasy XIII had my favourite battle system as it had the classes (sentinel, commando etc). I know that a lot of people hated XIII for many reasons, i enjoy them all in context with the storyline, even though most aspects are pretty minimal, but im sure XIII-2 and Versus will trump this.
Final Fantasy VIII has my favourite villain, Seifer :D he isn't evil to begin with, you get to watch him become evil, and grow towards darkness ... plus his jacket is cool ;)
Final Fantasy XIII has my favourite storyline, simply because it has a mythology to it, and keeps you wondering about different motives of the enemies/allies. For example you wonder if the Fal'cie are good or evil, obviously Barthandelus is evil, however Anima gave the characters a Focus to save Cocoon, even though we though it was to destroy it due to Barthandelus' manipulation.
Final Fantasy X has the best ending, it's a tearjerker, and the emotion that is portrayed by the voice actors is, for once, decent.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music? I like Final Fantasy IX even now i didn't finish it :) i love Melodies of Life so much... i can relax my self every time that i played it.. i can be a cure for me when im stressed.. You can try it!!!
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? FF-8 (because this is the only FF that i know that it so romantic story even though my brother is who one who finished that game) Honestly, onlyFF-CRISIS CORE AND FF-II are the only FF that i finish :) (but i already play some for FF on ps1 and psp, but i did not finish it for some reason) My favorite character is Squall and Rinoa.. Because im so romantic person ... :) and also my Favorite GF is.. (I know you know it because of my name here im forum hehehehe)
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? FF-CC.. because this is one of two FF that i only finished... :) i love the Batlle system because it easy to control unlike ff-1 and ff8 that is quietly hard...(an opinion only for me hehehe)
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? Sepiroth... when i already played that FF-CC, that is the time that i knew Sepiroth in the past years in not a bad character.... but when the story goes by, he became bad for some reason ( that i don't know...)
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? FF-7... For my opinion, this is the greatest story of all FF, because the story start in advanced.. and if you need to know the whole story, you need to play the all FF7 games.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending? FF-CC when Zack dying to Cloud and saying that he need to continue what he is doing...
BTW: i hope someday that i will be finish all FF games :D
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Final Fantasy VII had the best music. I loved the world map and boss battle themes. I think it suits the game well.
Which FF had your favourite characters overall? I somewhat think 12 had the best characters. Each character had their own very unique personality and behaviour (Vaan, Penelo, Balthier, Fran) etc. and they were all memorable characters.
Which had your favourite battle system? FF13 has got to be my choice for this. The battle system is very well developed and always requires strategic thinking. Paradigms that worked well with one foe may get you slaughtered with another and I like that.
Which FF had your favourite villain? Sephiroth from FFVII of course. He is a bad-ass villain because of his super evil intentions and motives.
Which FF had your favourite story line? FFVII had the best. I thoroughly enjoyed 7's story. It had enough depth without being too complicated to understand.
Which FF had your favourite ending? I'd have to say FF-Crisis Core. The first time I saw it I was speechless. Having Zack pass on the buster sword to Cloud and saying that Cloud was going to be his living legacy. It was a sad ending.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
Final Fantasy 7 had One Winged Angel and Aeris' Theme. What could be better than that? Nothing. Except maybe the new battle theme from FF 13...
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
Final Fantasy 7 had A spiky haired basket case, a Mr. T impersonator, a grizzled old chain-smoker with a stick for a weapon, a martial artist with some knockers, a stuffed toy riding a stuffed toy, a doggy who could talk, some kinda vampire, and an annoying little brat. Plus some hilarious villains, like the one that looks like a woman with a long sword who burns down whole villages and wants to "hurt" the planet, or whatever. Best. Characters. Ever.
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
Didn't I already answer this question? I guess not technically. Final Fantasy 7 had Cid Highwind. He was a chain-smoking bad-ass who didn't take shit from no one. Especially punks who refused to drink his god-damned tea!
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
Final Fantasy 7 had the best battle system. Materia is the most interesting and innovative use of magic and statistical upgrades out of ANY final fantasy.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
Again, I already said the the guy with the sword who looks like a woman! But I will make it clear; Sephiroth is unanimously the greatest villain of all time, from what is unanimously the greatest video game of all time.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
Final Fantasy 7's storyline is second to none. Guy thinks he's his dead friend, falls in the lifestream, has big-bosomed girl pull him out of it, kicks bad guy's ass with Omnislash. EPIC.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
I loved Final Fantasy 7's simple, poignant ending. What happened? Did everyone die? How did the doggie who is supposed to be the last of his kind procreate? (And the best part is that that last question STILL isn't answered! Way to be, Square! That'll keep the fans speculating for years to come!)
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
I don't want ot go in to much detail so I will just say I like all the games and all have some good and bad aspects when it comes tom myfavourite I say 10 but I have no particular reason on why that is I just find that I will judge a game in general overall on how much I enjoyed playing it and for me 10 just edges it. If I was asked more specific questions individually (favourite character, villain, town etc) I would happily answer them but otherwise I would not go through everything unless I was talking to someone face to face cuz it would tak to much time otherwise.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
I don't know if open spoilers are allowed without notice or not, so...**MY POST CONTAINS SPOILERS**
Music - There are some good ones, but I'm gonna give it to FFVI here, beating FFIX by just a hair. FFIX was good with the warm, touchy music, but FFVI had an overall more impressive soundtrack. FFIX did have "Song of Memories" so I'm tempted to put it, but...ehh...I'll still stick with VI.
Characters - I have to give the nod to FFIV here. I liked every character; I liked Edward less than everyone else, but he still has his place there. Kain is my favorite character of the game. I like how he switches back and forth between good and bad and even when he finally settles on the good side, there's still this part of him deep down that is troubled. And not even just the playable party...the other characters all throughout the game were good and memorable. Rubicante is still one of my favorite villains to fight and one of my favorite villains period. I just like how even though he's technically on the "bad side", he's still righteous and honorable. I think he's far from evil.
Favorite Character - A year ago, I would've said FFVI with Shadow, or FFIV with Kain, but now I'm going to say FFIX with Garnet. I just loved her character. Charming in a way, sweet and innocent. Just a really lovable character, in my opinion. FFIX wouldn't have been the same without her. Yeah, that can be said for most of the characters, but I think she was most important. Maybe even a little moreso than Zidane.
Favorite Battle System - You know, this one's a little tough, but I'm gonna say FFVII. Battle system was at a perfect speed, unlike others, such as FFIX. Plus, I think they got the Limit Break system the best in this game. In FFVI, it's version of limit breaks, desperation attacks, were just so rare. I've been playing the game since I was a little kid and I've only had a desperation attack happen ONCE, which was on my recent playthrough. FFIX's Trance system sucked. Trance could be wasted in the most unnecessary battles and that was lame.
Favorite Villain - I'm gonna give it to FFVI here with Kefka. I think Kefka is still the best main villain in the series, with Golbez (if you count him), Sephy and Kuja following very closely behind. Kefka was not only unique, in that he was just straight up crazy, instead of the cool and calm personalities of most other villains, but he was also one of the few villains to actually achieve his goal, which was to become a god and rule the planet, which he did for a full year.
Favorite Storyline - This one's hard. Hmm...I'm gonna give it to FFIV. I just liked how it all unfolded. I liked how the party had to go to the underworld, to a giant and even the moon. I don't know. This one's a little hard to describe for me, for some reason.
Favorite Ending - Definitely FFIX. Everybody thinking Zidane was dead after so much time had passed with no return, only for him to disguise himself during a play and reveal to Garnet that it's him, followed by Garnet just running down to him and they was just a good-hearted feeling.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]
Very well, Mydako, I accept your decade-old challenge!
Which FF had your Favorite Music?
X. V and VI hit you emotionally, VII had a lot of energy, VIII had compositional integrity, IX was a great collection of old favorites...but for me, nothing compares to the FFX soundtrack overall. Nobuo Uematsu brought his usual A-game, but he also had two collaborators, Nakano and Hamauzu, who added their own styles to the mix. It was really a breath of fresh air for the series, full of stunning tracks that never got old.
Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
IX. They just seemed like the perfect motley crew. They all had distinct personalities, stories and backgrounds. Most of them were funny, kind of like VII but better because instead of being caught in a lot of "adult" situations they had to make their own humor. Except for Quina and Amarant, I connected with every one of them. Well, maybe even Quina on a "gut" level. :)
Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
This will actually be a different answer...while IX had my favorite overall cast, my favorite character was Rikku from FFX. She was the cute girl to end 'em all, she had the perfect voice, I loved her design, and her thief background made her a flexible character--meaning I could tack on a bunch of crazy skills and make her the most versatile member of the party. Hastega, Full-Life, Holy, Demi, Auto-Regen, Drain, get the idea. By the end of a game, I've given Rikku more HP and abilities than anyone else in the party. Rikku's not the kind of character who can take out an enemy with one blow. But if you build her up well enough, she can do pretty much everything else.
Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
X again. It was brilliantly designed. It had fast-paced action but stuck to a turn-based system, so you could roll over the enemies or stop and get your bearings when you needed to. Spells and animations ruled, so did Aeon sequences (which could be shortened) could customize weapons to a degree almost unheard of since the SNES era, and even beef up your Aeons. Best of all, you could switch characters in and out of a fight--without even losing a turn.
Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
Easily VI, and it was Kefka. I haven't even played much of that game, but I already know enough to give him the honors. He's just evil and insane, the kind of villain you can really hate--and that's good. None of the other FF bad guys compared. I don't care how handsome Sephiroth was, his character made no sense. FFVIII barely had a villain at all until the end. Kuja was cool, but I don't know why they had to make him a drag queen. Sin was scary at first until we found out he was basically Tidus' dad in the body of a flying whale, and Seymour was never quite strong enough to be taken seriously.
Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
IX. All the others seemed to get really weird or convoluted in parts. They were too long for their own good, especially VII's. But IX's story had just the right balance of tradition, sci-fi, plot twists and big battles. As if that weren't enough, you could run around a big world map without getting terribly lost and check up on what the other characters were doing when they went off on their own--Active Time Events. I think IX was the only FF game where you could do that.
Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
IX again. It featured a rare truly happy ending. I still remember the first time I saw it, that repeat performance of "I Want To Be Your Canary," when Zidane was presumably dead. Then Marcus' character throws off the hood and there he is. I almost cried, and only a few other RPG's have done that to me, none of them called FF.
Favourite Final Fantasy Aspects
1) The Music
In terms of music, I would think that FFIX had my favourite soundtrack, largely because I felt that said soundtrack complimented the events of the story much more effectively than in other games in the series. I'm not a huge fan of the darker orchestral music that was more commonplace in FFVII and VIII, songs such as 'You're not alone' and 'Song of Memories' I feel are much more emotionally moving and have a greater effect on the player, certainly on me, to such an extent that I will play final fantasy IX so that I can listen to the music, I know I can do this anytime I want, but playing the game and watching the events of the game unfold as I listen to the music has an emotional effect on me that has not been replicated by anything before or since. One area I believe that the series has taken a huge downturn in is in the music and the soundtracks, the compositions of Nobuo Uematsu were truly inspiring and it makes me sad that Square Enix now favour the use of mainstream music such as the Leonna Lewis songs in the XIII series, songs which have no significant emotional value and no relevance to the story, over the masterworks of Uematsu. As I said i'm not a huge fan of his darker pieces, but in Final Fantasy IX, there is not one piece that I dislike. (Apart from Vamo Alla Flamenco, countless hours of hunting for chocographs and that gets damn annoying.)
2) The Characters
In terms of characters, I would have to say that I favour FFIX once more. I have heard people who critisise the plot and characters of the game for being somewhat unimaginative, but the things that I love about FFIX are not the characters themselves, as individuals, but instead the interactions between two or three characters. Primarilly the love story that unfolds between Zidane and Garnet, but also more subtle examples such as how Zidane is constantly picking on Steiner in the first two disks and how Steiner constantly judges Zidane in Reply, and also the hilarity of how many of the characters try to determine what gender Quina is and what its motives are. Also the mini-stories that transpire between a character and another less significant character or characters, such as Vivi's interactions with the black mages in the black mage village. One thing that I do critisise though, and I do this for all Final Fantasy games, is that, out of the 8 playable characters, there are some which are much less integral to the story than others, this is one of my very few critisisms of the game, but even I have wondered, would this game by that much less enjoyable if Quina or Amarant were not in it? Obviously I disagree with this entirely, but I understand why some people do feel this way.
3) The Individual
As the name suggests, Garnet is far and away my undisputed favourite character in the whole of the Final Fantasy Series. First of all because she is so unbelievably beautiful, I know a lot of people prefer Yuna, Rinoa or Tifa, but for me Garnet is a cut above the rest, both in her soothingly gentle face and also how her costume excentuates her beautiful body. This, in tandem with her delicate personality, the gentleness of her speech, her kindness, her ability to forgive, this all inspires and brings out emotion in me in a way that no other final fantasy character does. The epitomy of how I feel this way is in how she sings the 'Song of memories'. This song is the song of childhood and indeed of my entire life, what i'm about to say will sound very cliche and fake but I assure you it is not. This song had an unbelievable effect on me in my teenage years when i suffered from servere depression following my parents divorce, this was during a time when I had seriously considered suicide In my times of need I would put this song on my stereo, curl up in a ball, listen to it and cry my problems away, even today, years later, I still do this sometimes, and for this reason, Garnet is my favourite character, for saving me.
4) The Battle System
No shadow of a doubt, the battle system in FFXII was by far my favourite, and is one of the reasons why FFXII is the only final fantasy game I hold in the same regard to final fantasy IX, apart maybe from FFX. Coupled with the HUGE playable world in the game, for me the totally open battle system in the game made FFXII into almost a free roam game, the only other battle system I compare this to is that which you would see in the elder scrolls games, but this of course is better because of the fact it is final fantasy. The vast number of options you get in FFXII, in terms of tactics and options makes this unparallelled in my opinion. The gambit system was something that I loved down to the ground for its intinuity and its uniqueness, and something I would welcome back to the series with open arms. The astonishing number of enemies, bosses, optional bosses and biomes in the game mean that there is no such thing as a set in stone 'best' tactic to use, and for this I loved the game because it requires a whole new level of intelligence that was never necessary in previous games in the series. I know that this is, for some people, one of the main critisms of the game, but for me, I would love to see this return.
5) The Antagonist
Kuja was my favourite villain, partly because of his ambitions as the main antagonist of the game. An ambition to end all existance is not a new concept as far as villains are concerned, but to wish the end of existance purely because you cannot stand being a part of it is a whole new level, also, there is a certain comical value to Kuja's personality, both in the fact that he is ridiculously feminine, but also his childish tantrums that we witness at various points in the game, such as when he has a hissy fit when he learns of his finite existance. For me this was a welcome change from some of the more sinister and abstract antagonists such as Kefka, Sephiroth and Ultemicia. In a way, making Kuja rather unintimidating has the opposite effect in that it seems so much more significant when he gives in to his darker side. Oh, and also the fact that he is pretty damn tough, not many villains can destroy a planet without the use of some diabolical and non-existant weapon. Kuja can.
6) The Storyline
Again, Final Fantasy IX, this game is primarilly about saving the world, as many Final Fantasy games are, but this is also a journey of self discovery for many of the characters. The way in which the 4 primary characters (Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner) learn so much about themselves as the storyline progresses is something I have not seen in any other game to the same extent. This is one of the main reasons why I abelive number IX to be the most significant emotionally, the way in which these four characters question their very existance and purpose in life is something that I can relate very strongly to. There are so many scene in this game that made me shed a tear as I watched them for the first, second and twenty second times (I have played through Final Fantasy IX 22 times, beat that) the scene in Madain Sari when Zidane tells Garnet that story of Ispen is one example, the scene in which Vivi walks to the cemetery to talk to No. 238 is another, there are many scenes equally and more emotionally significant to this, for me, the idea of saving the world and existance is secondary in this game, it is almost irrelevant.
7) The Ending
No points for guessing this one, my favourite ending is that of Final Fantasy IX, call me a sucker, but this is the happiest ending of the Final Fantasy games, it is the most storybook, fairytale like, and the most cliche, despite all this, I honestly did not see it coming, this is a culmination of everything I like about Final Fantasy IX, and i'm not ashamed to say I always cry at the end. It is subtle little details that make it all the more emotionally significant, such as how Garnet originally thinks Steiner and Beatrix are blocking her way and also how she does not move to retrieve the Falcon pendant as it is snapped from her neck, I could go on and on about this and every other cutscene in the game for about 100,000 words, because there is nothing that I don't see as significant, and moving in this game, a true masterpiece in every area.
Just a word in addition, it may seem as though I have disregarded many of the other Final Fantasy games, this is not the case, I have enjoyed EVERY Final Fantasy game I have played, its just that my opinion of Final Fantasy IX is so strong, I don't feel as though any of the other games compare to it.